Carolyn Plochmann

Carolyn Plochmann Artist Statement:
"For a certain kind of artist, all the ages and times of his life are present while he is painting. The only certainties are: that which is not in his possession; freedom; risk.

This has been true for me, and whatever the subject of the painting, it most often begins with a mere hint, an open question, be it a line, a texture, a color, or sometimes a phrase written or spoken. Infinite possibilities may be found in a pale tangerine shape, hitting upon a hard edge of white that is heavier; somewhere a fine gold line that may be in the inner eye or on the canvas.

The inherent geometry, the architectural structure of the image, evolve in layers of superimposed second thoughts, and not in a preconceived composition where all is determined beforehand...

...Always the unexplainable about time and space fascinates me so much; visual and spiritual mystery."


"In this advanced age of marketing in the fine arts, one important aspect of contemporary painting is being seriously overlooked...the calm world of poetry and reflection...Take the work of Carolyn Gassan Plochmann...Her subject matter is human beings or still lifes which she treats in a compellingly moody and poetic way. Plochmann adores paint, texture and the building up of complex surfaces of the painted material, layer after layer...sometimes dozens of them...illuminated with an occasional flash of gold leaf. Almost every square inch of her work is enhanced with fabulous harmonies of line and delicate nuances of color...the work has about it almost the aura of alchemy, seemingly rational and mysterious at the same time."

--Thomas Hoving, former Director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 1967-1977.



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